Open Datasets from Meta-Analyses in Psychology Research
Studies on Out-Group Entitativity and Prejudice
Studies on the cognitive and academic benefits of Cogmed
Studies on Math Anxiety and Math Achievement
Studies on the Facial Feedback Literature
Meta-analytic data collected from studying on the specificity of future thinking in depression
Studies on the Color Red and Cognitive Performance
Studies on the advantage of bilingualism in children: a meta-analytic review
Studies examining whether student emotional intelligence is associated with academic performance
Studies on Age Differences in Executive Functioning
Studies from ManyBabies 1: Infant-Directed Speech Preference.
Studies from the Many Labs 2 project.
Studies on Shared Reading and Language Development
Data collected from meta-analyses on intelligence research
Studies on the impact of working-memory training on near- and far-transfer measures
Studies on the effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on inhibitory control
Studies on Executive function components in intellectual disability
Studies on the association between goal orientation and performance adaptation
Studies on the association between goal orientation and performance adaptation
Studies on the importance of cognitive ability in performance adaptation
Studies on Social Identity Theory and Leadership: Leader Group Prototypicality
Studies on memory suppression and its deficiency in psychological disorders
Studies on juvenile recidivism
Data and examples from meta-analyses in psychology research.