Helper Tools for Teaching Statistical Data Analysis
Cohen's d and Hedges g effect size
Calculate Cronbach's alpha for sets of psychometric scale items
A density plot
Calculate descriptive statistics
Apply multiple descriptive functions to multiple variables
Analysis of variance
Show the dummy code of a categorical variable
A histogram
Make a interaction line plot
Paired samples t-test
A pairs plot
Pairwise t-test
Pipe operator
Recode specified values by new values
A two dimensional scatterplot
Make a scatterplot matrix
Shapiro-Wilk normality test
Descriptive statistics for variables with missing values
Independent samples t-test
Calculate the total scores from sets of scores
A Tukey box-and-whisker plot
Provides functions and data-sets that are helpful for teaching statistics and data analysis. It was originally designed for use when teaching students in the Psychology Department at Nottingham Trent University.