Estimate Power and Required Sample Size in QCA
returns a power estimate with regard to the consistency of ...
Calculte the number of cases for a particular case target based on sim...
Calculate the number of cases for a particular case target with iterat...
Sina plot of 5distributions
Plot of power estimate against the number of simulations
Researchers working with Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) can use the package to estimate power of a sufficient term using permutation tests. A term can be anything: A condition, conjunction or disjunction of any combination of these. The package further allows users to plot the estimation results and to estimate the number of cases required to achieve a certain level of power, given a prespecified null and alternative hypothesis. Reference for the article introducing power estimation for QCA is: Rohlfing, Ingo (2018) <doi:10.1017/pan.2017.30> (ungated version: <doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/PC4DF>).