## S3 method for class 'formality'Animate( x, contextual ="yellow", formal ="red", edge.constant, wc.time =TRUE, time.constant =2, title =NULL, digits =3, current.color ="black", current.speaker.color =NULL, non.speaker.color =NA, missing.color ="purple", all.color.line ="red", plus.300.color ="grey40", under.300.color ="grey88", type ="network", width =65, coord = c(0,0.5), just = c(0,0.5),...)
x: A formality object.
contextual: The color to use for 0% formality (purely contextual).
formal: The color to use for 100% formality (purely formal).
edge.constant: A constant to multiple edge width by.
wc.time: logical. If TRUE weights duration of frame by word count.
time.constant: A constant to divide the maximum word count by. Time is calculated by round(exp(WORD COUNT/(max(WORD COUNT)/time.constant))). Therefore a larger constant will make the difference between the large and small word counts greater.
title: The title to apply to the animated image(s).
digits: The number of digits to use in the current turn of talk formality.
current.color: The color to use for the current turn of talk formality.
current.speaker.color: The color for the current speaker.
non.speaker.color: The color for the speakers not currently speaking.
missing.color: The color to use in a network plot for edges corresponding to missing text data. Use na.omit before hand to remove the missing values all together.
all.color.line: The color to use for the total discourse formality color line if network = FALSE.
plus.300.color: The bar color to use for grouping variables exceeding 299 words per Heylighen & Dewaele's (2002) minimum word recommendations.
under.300.color: The bar color to use for grouping variables less than 300 words per Heylighen & Dewaele's (2002) minimum word recommendations.
type: Character string of either "network" (as a network plot), "bar" (as a bar plot), or "text" (as a simple colored text plot).
width: The width to break text at if type = "text".
coord: The x/y coordinate to plot the text if type = "text".
just: The hjust and vjust values to use for the text if type = "text".
``: Other arguments passed to discourse_map or annotate if type = "text".
formality Method for Animate
The width of edges is based on words counts on that edge until that moment divided by total number of words used until that moment. Thicker edges tend to thin as time passes. The actual duration the current edge stays as the current.color is based on word counts for that particular flow of dialogue divided by total dialogue (words) used. The edge label is the current formality for that turn of talk (an aggregation of the sub sentences of the current turn of talk). The coloring of the current edge formality is produced at th sentence level, therefor a label may indicate a positive current turn of talk, while the coloring may indicate a negative sentences. Coloring is based on percentage of formal parts of speech (i.e., noun, adjective, preposition, article).