Filter.all_words - Filter words from a all_words that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter.TermDocumentMatrix - Filter words from a TermDocumentMatrix vector that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter.DocumentTermMatrix - Filter words from a DocumentTermMatrix that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter - Filter words from various objects that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter.wfm - Filter words from a wfm that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter.character - Filter words from a character vector that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter.fwl - Filter words from a fwl that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter.fswl - Filter words from a fswl that meet max/min word length criteria.
Filter.rfswl - Filter words from a rfswl that meet max/min word length criteria.
## S3 method for class 'all_words'Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)## S3 method for class 'TermDocumentMatrix'Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)## S3 method for class 'DocumentTermMatrix'Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)## S3 method for class 'wfm'Filter(x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL,...)## S3 method for class 'character'Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)## S3 method for class 'fwl'Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)## S3 method for class 'fswl'Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)## S3 method for class 'rfswl'Filter( x, min =1, max =Inf, count.apostrophe =TRUE, stopwords =NULL, =TRUE,...)
x: A filterable object (e.g., wfm, character).
min: Minimum word length.
max: Maximum word length.
count.apostrophe: logical. If TRUE apostrophes are counted as characters.
stopwords: A vector of stop words to remove. logical. If TRUE stopwords will be removed regardless of case (ignored if used on a wfm).
``: Other arguments passed to specific Filter methods.
Filter.all_words - Returns a matrix of the class "all_words".
Filter.TermDocumentMatrix - Returns a matrix of the class "TermDocumentMatrix".
Filter.DocumentTermMatrix - Returns a matrix of the class "DocumentTermMatrix".
Filter - Returns a matrix of the class "wfm".
Filter.character - Returns a vector of the class "character".
Filter.wfm - Returns a matrix of the class "wfm".
Filter.fwl - Returns a matrix of the class "fwl".
Filter.fswl - Returns a matrix of the class "fswl".
Filter.rfswl - Returns a matrix of the class "rfswl".
all_words Method for Filter
TermDocumentMatrix Method for Filter
DocumentTermMatrix Method for Filter
character Method for Filter
fwl Method for Filter
fswl Method for Filter
rfswl Method for Filter
The name and idea behind this function is inspired by the dplyr
package's filter function and has a similar meaning in that you are grabbing rows (or elements) meeting a particular criteria.
## Not run:Filter(with(DATA, wfm(state, list(sex, adult))),5)with(DATA, wfm(state, list(sex, adult)))# particular words based on max/min values in wfmv <- with(DATA, wfm(state, list(sex, adult)))Filter(v,5)Filter(v,5, count.apostrophe =FALSE)Filter(v,5,7)Filter(v,4,4)Filter(v,3,4)Filter(v,3,4, stopwords = Top25Words)# works on character strings too...x <- c("Raptors don't like robots!","I'd pay $500.00 to rid them.")Filter(x,3)Filter(x,4)Filter(x,4, count.apostrophe =FALSE)Filter(x,4, count.apostrophe =FALSE, stopwords="raptors")Filter(x,4, stopwords="raptors")Filter(x,4, stopwords="raptors", =FALSE)DATA[,"state"]<- Filter(DATA[,"state"],4)DATA <- qdap::DATA
# `all_words`head(all_words(raj$dialogue))Filter(head(all_words(raj$dialogue)), min =3)## End(Not run)