adjacency_matrix function

Takes a Matrix and Generates an Adjacency Matrix

Takes a Matrix and Generates an Adjacency Matrix

Takes a matrix (wfm) or termco object and generates an adjacency matrix for use with the igraph package.

adjacency_matrix(matrix.obj) adjmat(matrix.obj)


  • matrix.obj: A matrix object, preferably, of the class "termco" generated from termco, termco_d or termco_c.


Returns list: - boolean: A Boolean matrix

  • adjacency: An adjacency matrix. Diagonals are the total (sum) number of occurrences a variable had

  • shared: An adjacency matrix with no diagonal and the upper triangle replaced with NA

  • sum: The diagonal of the adjacency matrix; the total (sum) number of occurrences a variable had


## Not run: words <- c(" you", " the", "it", "oo") Terms <- with(DATA, termco(state, list(sex, adult), words)) Terms adjacency_matrix(Terms) wordLIST <- c(" montague", " capulet", " court", " marry") raj.termco <- with(raj.act.1, termco(dialogue, person, wordLIST)) raj.adjmat <- adjmat(raj.termco) names(raj.adjmat) #see what's available from the adjacency_matrix object library(igraph) g <- graph.adjacency(raj.adjmat$adjacency, weighted=TRUE, mode ="undirected") g <- simplify(g) V(g)$label <- V(g)$name V(g)$degree <- degree(g) plot(g, ## End(Not run)

See Also


  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11