beg2char function

Grab Begin/End of String to Character

Grab Begin/End of String to Character

beg2char - Grab from beginning of string to a character(s).

char2end - Grab from character(s) to end of string.

beg2char(text.var, char = " ", noc = 1, include = FALSE) char2end(text.var, char = " ", noc = 1, include = FALSE)


  • text.var,: A character string
  • char: The character from which to grab until/from.
  • noc: Number of times the character appears before the grab.
  • include: logical. If TRUE includes the character in the grab.


returns a vector of text with char on/forward removed.


## Not run: x <- c("a_b_c_d", "1_2_3_4", "<_?_._:") beg2char(x, "_") beg2char(x, "_", 2) beg2char(x, "_", 3) beg2char(x, "_", 4) beg2char(x, "_", 3, include=TRUE) char2end(x, "_") char2end(x, "_", 2) char2end(x, "_", 3) char2end(x, "_", 4) char2end(x, "_", 3, include=TRUE) x2 <- gsub("_", " ", x) char2end(x2, " ", 2) beg2char(x2, " ", 2) x3 <- gsub("_", "\\^", x) char2end(x3, "^", 2) beg2char(x3, "^", 2) ## End(Not run)



Josh O'Brien, Justin Haynes and Tyler Rinker

  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11