bracket: The type of bracket (and encased text) to remove. This is one or more of the strings "curly", "square", "round", "angle" and "all". These strings correspond to: {, [, (, < or all four types.
missing: Value to assign to empty cells.
names: logical. If TRUE the sentences are given as the names of the counts. logical. If TRUE extra spaces left behind from an extraction will be eliminated. Additionally, non-space (e.g., "text(no space between text and parenthesis)" ) is replaced with a single space (e.g., "text (space between text and parenthesis)" ).
scrub: logical. If TRUEscrubber will clean the text.
with: logical. If TRUE returns the brackets and the bracketed text.
merge: logical. If TRUE the results of each bracket type will be merged by sentence. FALSE returns a named list of lists of vectors of bracketed text per bracket type.
left: A vector of character or numeric symbols as the left edge to extract.
right: A vector of character or numeric symbols as the right edge to extract.
bracketX - returns a vector of text with brackets removed.
bracketXtract - returns a list of vectors of bracketed text.
genXtract - returns a vector of text with chunks removed.
genX - returns a list of vectors of removed text.
## Not run:examp <- structure(list(person = structure(c(1L,2L,1L,3L), .Label = c("bob","greg","sue"), class ="factor"), text = c("I love chicken [unintelligible]!","Me too! (laughter) It's so good.[interrupting]","Yep it's awesome {reading}.","Agreed. {is so much fun}")), .Names = c("person","text"), row.names = c(NA,-4L), class ="data.frame")
bracketX(examp$text,"square")bracketX(examp$text,"curly")bracketX(examp$text, c("square","round"))bracketX(examp$text)bracketXtract(examp$text,"square")bracketXtract(examp$text,"curly")bracketXtract(examp$text, c("square","round"))bracketXtract(examp$text, c("square","round"), merge =FALSE)bracketXtract(examp$text)bracketXtract(examp$text, with =TRUE)paste2(bracketXtract(examp$text,"curly")," ")x <- c("Where is the /big dog#?","I think he's @arunning@b with /little cat#.")genXtract(x, c("/","@a"), c("#","@b"))x <- c("Where is the L1big dogL2?","I think he's 98running99 with L1little catL2.")genXtract(x, c("L1",98), c("L2",99))DATA$state #notice number 1 and 10genX(DATA$state, c("is","we"), c("too","on"))## End(Not run)