df.temp.obj: A character vector of names of object(s) created by cm_df.temp, a list of cm_df.temp created objects or a data frame created by cm_df.temp.
v.name: An optional name for the column created for the list.var argument.
list.var: logical. If TRUE creates a column for the data frame created by each time.list.
code.vars: A character vector of code variables. If NULL uses all variables from the first column after the column named word.num.
no.code: The value to assign to no code; default is NA.
add.start.end: logical. If TRUE adds a column for start and end times.
repeat.vars: A character vector of repeated/stacked variables. If NULL uses all non code.vars variables.
rev.code: logical. If TRUE reverses the order of code.vars and no.code variables.
Generates a data frame of start and end times for each code.