htruncdf - Convenience function to view the head of a truncated dataframe.
truncdf - Convenience function to view a truncated dataframe.
ltruncdf - Convenience function to view the head of a list of truncated dataframes.
qview - Convenience function to view a summary and head of a dataframe.
lview - Convenience function to view the list (list view) of qdap objects that have print methods that print a single dataframe.
htruncdf(dataframe, n =10, width =10,...)truncdf(dataframe, end =10, begin =1)ltruncdf(dat.list, n =6, width =10,...)qview(dataframe,...)lview(x, print =TRUE)
dataframe: A data.frame object.
n: Number of rows to display.
width: The width of the columns to be displayed.
end: The last character to be displayed (width).
begin: The first character to be displayed (width).
dat.list: A list of data.frame objects.
x: A class qdap object that is a list which prints as a dataframe.
print: logical. If TRUE prints to the console.
``: Other arguments passed to htruncdf
(qview; ltruncdf) or head (htruncdf).
htrundf - returns n number of rows of a truncated dataframe.
trundf - returns a truncated dataframe.
ltruncdf - returns a list of n number of rows of a truncated dataframes.
qview - returns a dataframe head with summary statistics.
lview - prints a list of the qdap object and invisibly returns the unclassed object.
## Not run:truncdf(raj[1:10,])truncdf(raj[1:10,],40)htruncdf(raj)htruncdf(raj,20)htruncdf(raj,,20)ltruncdf(rajPOS, width =4)qview(raj)qview(CO2)lview(question_type(DATA.SPLIT$state, DATA.SPLIT$person))lview(rajPOS)lview(lm(mpg~hp, data = mtcars))## End(Not run)