igraph_params function

Apply Parameter to List of Igraph Vertices/Edges

Apply Parameter to List of Igraph Vertices/Edges

vertex_apply - Uniformly apply igraph vertex plotting parameters to a list of igraph objects.

edge_apply - Uniformly apply igrph edge plotting parameters to a list of igraph objects.

vertex_apply(x, ..., hold.ends = NULL) edge_apply(x, ..., hold.ends = c("label.color"))


  • x: A list of igraph objects.
  • hold.ends: A vector of parameters passed to ... that should not be altered for the first and last (ends) objects in the list.
  • ``: Arguments passed igraph's V and E. See https://igraph.org/redirect.html for more.


Returns a list of igraph objects.


## Not run: x <- with(DATA.SPLIT, polarity(state, person)) bg_black <- Animate(x, neutral="white") print(bg_black) bgb <- vertex_apply(bg_black, label.color="grey80", size=20, color="grey40") bgb <- edge_apply(bgb, label.color="yellow") print(bgb, bg="black", pause=.75) ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11