lock.incomplete: logical. If TRUE locks incomplete sentences (sentences ending with "|") from being marked as imperative.
additional.names: Additional names that may be used in a command (people in the context that do not speak).
parallel: logical. If TRUE attempts to run the function on multiple cores. Note that this may not mean a speed boost if you have one core or if the data set is smaller as the cluster takes time to create. With the mraja1spl data set, with an 8 core machine, imperative had 1/3 the running time.
warning: logical. If TRUE provides comma warnings (sentences that contain numerous commas that may be handled incorrectly by the algorithm).
Returns a dataframe with a text variable indicating imperative sentences. Imperative sentences are marked with * followed by the original end mark.
The algorithm used by imperative is sensitive to English language dialects and types. Commas can indicate a choppy sentence and may indicate a false positive. Sentences marked with AAVE may be the use of African American Vernacular English and not an imperative sentence.
## Not run:dat <- data.frame(name=c("sue", rep(c("greg","tyler","phil","sue"),2)), statement=c("go get it|","I hate to read.","Stop running!","I like it!","You are terrible!","Don't!","Greg, go to the red, brick office.","Tyler go to the gym.","Alex don't run."), stringsAsFactors =FALSE)imperative(dat,"name","statement",, c("Alex"))imperative(dat,"name","statement", lock.incomplete =TRUE, c("Alex"))imperative(dat,"name","statement",, c("Alex"), warning=TRUE)imperative(dat,"name","statement",, c("Alex"), warning=TRUE, parallel =TRUE)## End(Not run)