object_pronoun_type function

Count Object Pronouns Per Grouping Variable

Count Object Pronouns Per Grouping Variable

Count the number of object pronouns per grouping variables.

object_pronoun_type( text.var, grouping.var = NULL, object.pronoun.list = NULL, ... )


  • text.var: The text variable
  • grouping.var: The grouping variables. Default NULL generates one word list for all text. Also takes a single grouping variable or a list of 1 or more grouping variables.
  • object.pronoun.list: A named list of object pronouns. See Details for more.
  • ``: Other arguments passed to termco


Returns a list, of class "object_pronoun_type", of data frames regarding object pronoun word counts: - preprocessed: List of uncollapsed dataframes (raw, prop, rnp) of the class "termco" that contain all searchable object pronouns.

  • raw: raw word counts by grouping variable

  • prop: proportional word counts by grouping variable; proportional to each individual's object pronoun use

  • rnp: a character combination data frame of raw and proportional object pronoun use


The following object pronoun categories are the default searched terms:

  • me = c(" me ", " my ", " mine ")
  • us = c(" us ", " our ", " ours ")
  • you = c(" you'd ", " you'll ", " you're ", " you've ", " you ", " your ")
  • him = c(" him ", " his ")
  • her = c(" her ", " hers ")
  • them = c(" them ")
  • their = c(" their ", "theirs ")
  • it = c(" it'd ", " it'll ", " it's ", " it ")


## Not run: dat <- pres_debates2012 dat <- dat[dat$person %in% qcv(ROMNEY, OBAMA), ] (out <- object_pronoun_type(dat$dialogue, dat$person)) plot(out) plot(out, 2) plot(out, 3) plot(out, 3, ncol=2) scores(out) counts(out) proportions(out) preprocessed(out) plot(scores(out)) plot(counts(out)) plot(proportions(out)) ## End(Not run)

See Also

subject_pronoun_type, pronoun_type

  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11