plot.lexical_classification function

Plots a lexical_classification Object

Plots a lexical_classification Object

Plots a lexical_classification object as a heat map Gantt plot with lexical_classification over time (measured in words) and lexical_classification scores per sentence. In the dotplot plot the black dots are the average lexical_classification per grouping variable.

## S3 method for class 'lexical_classification' plot( x, bar.size = 5, low = "blue", mid = "grey99", high = "red", ave.lexical_classification.shape = "+", alpha = 1/4, shape = 19, point.size = 2.5, jitter = 0.1, nrow = NULL, na.rm = TRUE, = TRUE, plot = TRUE, error.bars = TRUE, = 0.5, = 0.5, = "black", = 0.6, ... )


  • x: The lexical_classification object.
  • bar.size: The size of the bars used in the Gantt plot.
  • low: The color to be used for lower values.
  • mid: The color to be used for mid-range values (default is a less striking color).
  • high: The color to be used for higher values.
  • ave.lexical_classification.shape: The shape of the average lexical_classification score used in the dot plot.
  • alpha: Transparency level of points (ranges between 0 and 1).
  • shape: The shape of the points used in the dot plot.
  • point.size: The size of the points used in the dot plot.
  • jitter: Amount of vertical jitter to add to the points.
  • nrow: The number of rows in the dotplot legend (used when the number of grouping variables makes the legend too wide). If NULL no legend if plotted.
  • na.rm: logical. Should missing values be removed?
  • logical. If TRUE the group lexical_classification plot will be ordered by average lexical_classification score, otherwise alphabetical order is assumed.
  • plot: logical. If TRUE the plot will automatically plot. The user may wish to set to FALSE for use in knitr, sweave, etc. to add additional plot layers.
  • error.bars: logical. If TRUE error bars are added to the lexical_classification dot plot using the standard error of the mean lexical_classification score.
  • The height of the error bar ends.
  • The size/thickness of the error bars.
  • The color of the error bars. If NULL each bar will be colored by grouping variable.
  • The alpha level of the error bars.
  • ``: ignored


Invisibly returns the ggplot2 objects that form the larger plot.

  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11