plot.sum_cmspans function

Plot Summary Stats for a Summary of a cmspans Object

Plot Summary Stats for a Summary of a cmspans Object

Plots a heat map of summary statistics for sum_cmspans objects (the object produced by calling summary on a cmspans object).

## S3 method for class 'sum_cmspans' plot( x, digits = 3, sep = ".", name.sep = "&", values = TRUE, high = "red", transpose = TRUE, plot = TRUE, facet.vars = "time", = !transpose, rev.stats = !transpose, ... )


  • x: The sum_cmspans object (the object produced by calling summary on a cmspans object)
  • digits: The number of digits displayed if values is TRUE.
  • sep: The character that was used in paste2 to paste the columns.
  • name.sep: The character that was used to paste the column names.
  • values: logical. If TRUE the cell values will be included on the heatmap.
  • high: The color to be used for higher values.
  • transpose: logical. If TRUE the dataframe is rotated 90 degrees.
  • plot: logical. If TRUE the plot will automatically plot. The user may wish to set to FALSE for use in knitr, sweave, etc. to add additional plot layers.
  • facet.vars: A character vector of names to facet by. Default is "time".
  • logical If TRUE the plotting order of the code groups is reversed.
  • rev.stats: logical If TRUE the plotting order of the code descriptive statistics is reversed.
  • ...: Other arguments passed to qheat.

See Also


  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11