plot.weighted_wfm function

Plots a weighted_wfm object

Plots a weighted_wfm object

Plots a weighted_wfm object.

## S3 method for class 'weighted_wfm' plot( x, = FALSE, digits = 0, by.column = NULL, high = ifelse(, "black", "blue"), grid = ifelse(, "black", "white"), plot = TRUE, ... )


  • x: The weighted_wfm object
  • logical. If TRUE all values converted to dummy coded based on x_ij > 0.
  • digits: The number of digits displayed if values is TRUE.
  • by.column: logical. If TRUE applies scaling to the column. If FALSE applies scaling by row (use NULL to turn off scaling).
  • high: The color to be used for higher values.
  • grid: The color of the grid (Use NULL to remove the grid).
  • plot: logical. If TRUE the plot will automatically plot. The user may wish to set to FALSE for use in knitr, sweave, etc. to add additional plot layers.
  • ``: Other arguments passed to qheat.
  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11