qcombine function

Combine Columns

Combine Columns

Quickly combine columns (summed) and rename.

qcombine(mat, combined.columns, elim.old = TRUE)


  • mat: A matrix or dataframe with numeric combine columns.
  • combined.columns: A list of named vectors of the colnames/indexes of the numeric columns to be combined (summed). If a vector is unnamed a name will be assigned.
  • elim.old: logical. If TRUE eliminates the columns that are combined together by the named match.list. TRUE outputs the table proportionally (see prop).


Returns a dataframe with combines columns.


## Not run: A <- list( a = c(1, 2, 3), b = qcv(mpg, hp), c = c("disp", "am") ) B <- list( c(1, 2, 3), d = qcv(mpg, hp), c("disp", "am") ) qcombine(head(mtcars), A) qcombine(head(mtcars), B) qcombine(head(mtcars), B, elim.old = FALSE) ## End(Not run)

See Also


  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11