rm_row function

Remove Rows That Contain Markers

Remove Rows That Contain Markers

rm_row - Remove rows from a data set that contain a given marker/term.

rm_empty_row - Removes the empty rows of a data set that are common in reading in data (default method in read.transcript).

rm_row( dataframe, search.column, terms, contains = FALSE, ignore.case = FALSE, keep.rownames = FALSE, ... ) rm_empty_row(dataframe)


  • dataframe: A dataframe object.
  • search.column: Column name to search for markers/terms.
  • terms: Terms/markers of the rows that are to be removed from the dataframe. The term/marker must appear at the beginning of the string and is case sensitive.
  • contains: logical. If TRUE rm_row searches for the terms anywhere within the string. If FALSE rm_row searches only the beginning of the string.
  • ignore.case: logical. If TRUE case is ignored during matching, if FALSEthe pattern matching is case sensitive.
  • keep.rownames: logical. If TRUE the original, non-sequential, rownames will be used.
  • ``: Other arguments passed to grepl.


rm_row - returns a dataframe with the termed/markered rows removed.

rm_empty_row - returns a dataframe with empty rows removed.


## Not run: #rm_row EXAMPLE: rm_row(DATA, "person", c("sam", "greg")) rm_row(DATA, 1, c("sam", "greg")) rm_row(DATA, "state", c("Comp")) rm_row(DATA, "state", c("I ")) rm_row(DATA, "state", c("you"), contains = TRUE, ignore.case=TRUE) #rm_empty_row EXAMPLE: (dat <- rbind.data.frame(DATA[, c(1, 4)], matrix(rep(" ", 4), ncol =2, dimnames=list(12:13, colnames(DATA)[c(1, 4)])))) rm_empty_row(dat) ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Tyler Rinker
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-05-11