solveqp( H, h =NULL, lb =NULL, ub =NULL, A =NULL, Alb =NULL, Aub =NULL, pars = list())
H: Symmetric positive definite matrix, n*n. Can also be a (inverse) Cholesky factor cf. qpmadParameters.
h: Optional, vector of length n.
lb, ub: Optional, lower/upper bounds of x. Will be repeated n times if length is one.
A: Optional, constraints matrix of dimension p*n, where each row corresponds to a constraint. For equality constraints let corresponding elements in Alb equal those in Aub
Alb, Aub: Optional, lower/upper bounds for Ax.
pars: Optional, qpmad-solver parameters, conveniently set with qpmadParameters
At least one of lb, ub or A must be specified. If A has been specified then also at least one of Alb or Aub. Returns a list with elements solution (the solution vector), status (a status code) and message (a human readable message). If status = 0 the algorithm has converged. Possible status codes:
0: Ok
-1: Numerical issue, matrix (probably) not positive definite
## Assume we want to minimize: -(0 5 0) %*% b + 1/2 b^T b## under the constraints: A^T b >= b0## with b0 = (-8,2,0)^T## and (-4 2 0)## A = (-3 1 -2)## ( 0 0 1)## we can use solveqp as follows:##Dmat <- diag(3)dvec <- c(0,-5,0)Amat <- t(matrix(c(-4,-3,0,2,1,0,0,-2,1),3,3))bvec <- c(-8,2,0)solveqp(Dmat,dvec,A=Amat,Alb=bvec)