Compute quantile coherency from a quantile spectral density kernel
Returns quantile coherency defined as [REMOVE_ME]
where is the quantile spectral density.
## S4 method for signature 'QuantileSD' getCoherency( object, frequencies = 2 * pi * (0:(object@N - 1))/object@N, levels.1 = getLevels(object, 1), levels.2 = getLevels(object, 2), d1 = 1:(dim(object@values)[2]), d2 = 1:(dim(object@values)[4]) )
: QuantileSD
of which to get the valuesfrequencies
: a vector of frequencies for which to get the valueslevels.1
: the first vector of levels for which to get the valueslevels.2
: the second vector of levels for which to get the valuesd1
: optional parameter that determine for which j1 to return the data; may be a vector of elements 1, ..., Dd2
: same as d1, but for j2Returns data from the coherency as defined in the details.
Returns quantile coherency defined as
where is the quantile spectral density.
For the mechanism of selecting frequencies, dimensions and/or levels see, for example, getValues-QuantileSD
For examples on how to use this function go to QuantileSD