[cf. KernelWeight-class] that are used to estimate the quantile spectral density.
## S4 method for signature 'KernelWeight,missing'plot( x, y, ylab = expression(W[n](omega)), xlab = expression(omega), main = x@descr,...)
x: The KernelWeight to plot.
y: missing arg from the generic; will be ignored.
ylab: label for the y-axis; optional
xlab: label for the x-axis; optional
main: titel (on top) of the plot; optional
...: optional parameters used for plotting
Plots the KernelWeight.
In the plot the values at the frequencies 2πj/N, j=L+1−N,…,L, L:=⌊N/2⌋ are shown, where N is the parameter specified on construction of the object or N:=3, if that parameter was smaller than three. A warning is given in the later case.
plot(kernelWeight(W1, bw=0.3), ylab=expression(W[n](x)), xlab=expression(x), main="Weights to an Epanechnikov kernel", sub="bw=0.3")