R-to-Java Interface for 'CMA-ES'
Calculate the fitness of a population.
Evaluate the meanX of the current population.
Initialize a CMA-ES Java object.
Create a new CMA-ES Java object.
Perform a CMA-ES optimization with constraints (DP).
Sample a population from the current CMA-ES distribution.
rCMA Getters and Setters.
rCMA Stop Conditions.
Update CMA-ES distribution with the fitness vector of the last populat...
R interface to the Java CMA-ES of Niko Hansen
Tool for providing access to the Java version 'CMAEvolutionStrategy' of Nikolaus Hansen. 'CMA-ES' is the Covariance Matrix Adaptation Evolution Strategy, see <https://www.lri.fr/~hansen/cmaes_inmatlab.html#java>.