Rational Approximations of Fractional Stochastic Partial Differential Equations
Augment data with information from a rspde_lme
rSPDE anisotropic inlabru mapper
rSPDE stationary inlabru mapper
rSPDE space time inlabru mapper
rSPDE inlabru mapper
Constructor of Matern loglikelihood functions for non-stationary model...
Create train and test splits to be used in the cross_validation
Perform cross-validation on a list of fitted models.
The 1d folded Matern covariance function
The 2d folded Matern covariance function
Rational approximations of fractional operators
Initial values for log-likelihood optimization in rSPDE models with a ...
Data frame for result objects from R-INLA fitted models to be used in ...
Data frame for rspde_result objects to be used in ggplot2
Glance at an rspde_lme
Data extraction from metric graphs for 'rSPDE' models
Perform prediction on a testing set based on a training set
Covariance-based approximations of intrinsic fields
The Matern covariance function
Rational approximations of stationary Gaussian Matern random fields
Rational approximation of the Matern covariance
Rational approximation of the Matern fields on intervals and metric gr...
Rational approximations of stationary anisotropic Gaussian Matern rand...
Operations with the Pr and Pl operators
Get the precision matrix of CBrSPDEobj objects
Get the precision matrix of CBrSPDEobj2d objects
Get the precision matrix of inla_rspde
Get the precision matrix of rSPDEobj1d objects
Get the precision matrix of spacetimeobj objects
Prediction of a fractional SPDE using the covariance-based rational SP...
Prediction of an anisotropic Whittle-Matern field
Predict method for 'inlabru' stationary Matern 1d models
Prediction of a mixed effects regression model on a metric graph.
Prediction of a fractional SPDE using a rational SPDE approximation
Prediction of a space-time SPDE
Changing the order of the rational approximation
Get the order of rational approximation.
Changing the type of the rational approximation
Get type of rational approximation.
Warnings free loading of add-on packages
rSPDE linear mixed effects models
Rational approximations of fractional SPDEs.
Observation matrix for finite element discretization on R
Rational approximations of stationary anisotropic Gaussian Matern rand...
Observation matrix for space-time models
Constructor of Matern loglikelihood functions.
Finite element calculations for problems on R
Finite element calculations for problems in 2D
Object-based log-likelihood function for latent Gaussian fractional SP...
Observation/prediction matrices for rSPDE models.
rSPDE model index vector generation
Intrinsic Matern rSPDE model object for INLA
Object-based log-likelihood function for latent Gaussian fractional SP...
Optimized precision matrix of stationary Gaussian Matern random fields...
Precision matrix of stationary Gaussian Matern random fields with inte...
Optimized precision matrix of the covariance-based rational approximat...
Precision matrix of the covariance-based rational approximation of sta...
Matern rSPDE model object for INLA
Matern rSPDE model object for INLA
Calculate a lattice projection to/from an inla.mesh
for rSPDE object...
Matern rSPDE model object for metric graphs in INLA
rSPDE result extraction from INLA estimation results
Space-Time Random Fields via SPDE Approximation
Simulation of a fractional SPDE using the covariance-based rational SP...
Simulation of a fractional SPDE using the covariance-based rational SP...
Simulation of a fractional intrinsic SPDE using the covariance-based r...
Simulation of a fractional SPDE using a rational SPDE approximation
Simulation of a Matern field using a rational SPDE approximation
Simulation of space-time models
Space-time random fields
Observation/prediction matrices for rSPDE models with integer smoothne...
Parameter-based log-likelihood for a latent Gaussian Matern SPDE model...
Rational approximations of non-stationary Gaussian SPDE Matern random ...
Summarise CBrSPDE objects
Summarise CBrSPDEobj2d objects
Summary Method for rspde_lme
Summary for posteriors of field parameters for an inla_rspde
model fr...
Summarise rSPDE objects
Summarise rSPDE objects without FEM
Summarise spacetime objects
Transform Anisotropic SPDE Model Parameters to Original Scale
Transform Spacetime SPDE Model Parameters to Original Scale
Update parameters of CBrSPDEobj objects
Update parameters of CBrSPDEobj2d objects
Update parameters of rSPDEobj objects
Update parameters of rSPDEobj1d objects
Update parameters of spacetimeobj objects
Variogram of intrinsic SPDE model
Functions that compute rational approximations of fractional elliptic stochastic partial differential equations. The package also contains functions for common statistical usage of these approximations. The main references for rSPDE are Bolin, Simas and Xiong (2023) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2023.2231051> for the covariance-based method and Bolin and Kirchner (2020) <doi:10.1080/10618600.2019.1665537> for the operator-based rational approximation. These can be generated by the citation function in R.