Generate Codes to Uniquely and Robustly Identify Individuals for Animal Behavior Studies
Brute force color coding scheme generator
Converting numeric ID codes to listed color name codes
A Shiny-based GUI for the rs_IDs function
Assistance with choosing ID scheme parameters
Quick method to see how robust a list of ID codes is to erasures
rabi: a package for generating R obust A nimal B ehavior I Ds
Polynomial color coding scheme generator
Simple color coding scheme generator
Tweakable brute force color coding scheme generator
Facilitates the design and generation of optimal color (or symbol) codes that can be used to mark and identify individual animals. These codes are made such that the IDs are robust to partial erasure: even if sections of the code are lost, the entire identity of the animal can be reconstructed. Thus, animal subjects are not confused and no ambiguity is introduced.