futures_get function

Get futures prices from trading session settlements page

Get futures prices from trading session settlements page

Scrape page https://www.b3.com.br/en_us/market-data-and-indices/data-services/market-data/historical-data/derivatives/trading-session-settlements/

to get futures prices.

futures_mget( first_date = Sys.Date() - 5, last_date = Sys.Date(), by = 1, cache_folder = cachedir(), do_cache = TRUE ) futures_get(refdate = Sys.Date(), cache_folder = cachedir(), do_cache = TRUE)


  • first_date: First date ("YYYY-MM-DD") to yc_mget multiple curves

  • last_date: Last date ("YYYY-MM-DD") to yc_mget multiple curves

  • by: Number of days in between fetched dates (default = 1) in yc_mget

  • cache_folder: Location of cache folder (default = cachedir())

  • do_cache: Whether to use cache or not (default = TRUE)

    futures_get returns the future contracts for the given date and futures_mget returns future contracts for multiple dates in a given range.

  • refdate: Specific date ("YYYY-MM-DD") to yc_get single curve


data.frame with futures prices.


## Not run: df <- futures_get("2022-04-18", "2022-04-22") ## End(Not run) ## Not run: df_fut <- futures_get(Sys.Date()) head(df_fut) ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Wilson Freitas
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-02-18