
Read files from Brazilian Financial Market

Read files from Brazilian Financial Market

Read the many files used in Brazilian Financial Market and convert them into useful formats and data structures. package


rb3 options

rb3 uses base::options to allow user set global options that affect the way the package works and display its alerts.

  • rb3.cachedir: rb3 cache folder is named rb3-cache and it is created inside the directory returned by base::tempdir. Since it is changed for every new session it is interesting to use the same directory for cache across sessions. Once the option rb3.cachedir is set the files are always cached in the same directory. This is very useful to build a historical data. Historical time series can be loaded directly from cached files.
  • rb3.clear.cache: Some files have invalid content returning NULL data. Every downloaded file is stored in the cache folder. If rb3.clear.cache is TRUE these invalid files are remove once they are detected. It helps with keeping only files with valid content in the cache folder.
  • rb3.silent: rb3 default behavior on communicating users what's going on is total transparency. So, it displays many alert messages to inform users many of the details. On the other hand, this behavior can be sometimes annoying. The option rb3.silent can be set to TRUE in order to avoid that the alerts be displayed.

See Also

Useful links:


Maintainer : Wilson Freitas wilson.freitas@gmail.com


  • Maintainer: Wilson Freitas
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2025-02-18