Large, Sparse Optimal Matching with Refined Covariate Balance
Build Distance Structure for Matching with Refined Balance
Solve Network Flow Problem using External Solver
Count treatment-control pairings.
Building and Manipulating Network Flow Problems
Optimal Matching with Refined Covariate Balance
Tools for large, sparse optimal matching of treated units and control units in observational studies. Provisions are made for refined covariate balance constraints, which include fine and near-fine balance as special cases. Matches are optimal in the sense that they are computed as solutions to network optimization problems rather than greedy algorithms. See Pimentel, et al.(2015) <doi:10.1080/01621459.2014.997879> and Pimentel (2016), Obs. Studies 2(1):4-23. The rrelaxiv package, which provides an alternative solver for the underlying network flow problems, carries an academic license and is not available on CRAN, but may be downloaded from Github at <>.