API Client and Dataset Management for the Demographic and Health Survey (DHS) Data
Archived dataset capable as_factor
DHS Website Authentication
Create a data frame of datasets that your log in can download
Pull last cache date
Make a dhs client
collapse API response list
Create list of dataset and its variable names
convert labelled data frame to data frame of just characters
API request of DHS Countries
API request of DHS Indicator Data
API request of DHS Data Updates
API request of DHS Datasets
API request of DHS Geometry
API request of DHS Indicators
API request of DHS Info
API request of DHS Publications
API request of DHS Survey Characteristics
API request of DHS Surveys
API request of DHS Tags
API request of DHS UI Updates
DHS Spatial Boundaries
Create a data frame of datasets that your log in can download
Extract Data
DHS survey questions extracted from datasets
reformat haven and labelled read ins to have no factors or labels
Returns what the dataset file ending should be for a given filename
Get Available Datasets
Get Datasets
Get Downloaded Datasets
Return variable labels from a dataset
Get rdhs config
Get Survey Variable Labels
Pull last DHS API database update time
Create dictionary from DHS .MAP codebook
Parse fixed-width file metadata
Pipe operator
Combine data frames with columns of class labelled
implementation of data.tables rbindlist
DHS database through R
read in dhs standard file types
Read DHS Stata data set
Read DHS flat file data set
Read filetype from a zipped folder based on the file ending
checks if the response is json or not by looking at the responses head...
converts response to json by first converting the response to text
Search Survey Variable Definitions
Search Survey Variables
Set rdhs config
unzip special that catches for 4GB+
Update your current rdhs config
Provides a client for (1) querying the DHS API for survey indicators and metadata (<https://api.dhsprogram.com/#/index.html>), (2) identifying surveys and datasets for analysis, (3) downloading survey datasets from the DHS website, (4) loading datasets and associate metadata into R, and (5) extracting variables and combining datasets for pooled analysis.