nbinsmat: matrix of cutoff-specific number of bins. See rdplot()
for details.
binselectvec: vector of cutoff-specific bins selection method. See rdplot() for details.
scalevec: vector of cutoff-specific scale factors. See rdplot()
for details.
supportmat: matrix of cutoff-specific support conditions. See rdplot() for details..
pvec: vector of cutoff-specific polynomial orders. See rdplot()
for details.
hmat: matrix of cutoff-specific bandwidths. See rdplot() for details.
kernelvec: vector of cutoff-specific kernels. See rdplot() for details.
weightsvec: vector of cutoff-specific weights. See rdplot() for details.
covs_mat: matrix of covariates. See rdplot() for details.
covs_list: list of of covariates to be used in each cutoff.
covs_evalvec: vector indicating the evaluation point for additional covariates. See rdrobust() for details.
covs_dropvec: vector indicating whether collinear covariates should be dropped at each cutoff. See rdrobust() for details.
ci: adds confidence intervals of the specified level to the plot. See rdrobust() for details.
col_bins: vector of colors for bins.
pch_bins: vector of characters (pch) type for bins.
col_poly: vector of colors for polynomial curves.
lty_poly: vector of lty for polynomial curves.
col_xline: vector of colors for vertical lines.
lty_xline: vector of lty for vertical lines.
nobins: omits bins plot.
nopoly: omits polynomial curve plot.
noxline: omits vertical lines indicating the cutoffs.
nodraw: omits plot.
clist: list of cutoffs
cnum: number of cutoffs
X0: matrix of X values for control units
X1: matrix of X values for treated units
Yhat0: estimated polynomial for control units
Yhat1: estimated polynomial for treated units
Xmean: bin average of X values
Ymean: bin average for Y values
CI_l: lower end of confidence intervals
CI_r: upper end of confidence intervals
cfail: Cutoffs where rdrobust() encountered problems
# Toy datasetX <- runif(1000,0,100)C <- c(rep(33,500),rep(66,500))Y <-(1+ X +(X>=C))*(C==33)+(.5+.5*X +.8*(X>=C))*(C==66)+ rnorm(1000)# rdmcplot with standard syntaxtmp <- rdmcplot(Y,X,C)