Download and Tidy Time Series Data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics
ABS.Stat API functions
Get date of most recent observation(s) in ABS time series
Internal function to check if the data frame returned by read_lfs_gros...
Experimental helper function to download ABS data cubes that are not c...
This function is temporarily necessary while the readabs maintainer at...
Extract data sheets from an ABS timeseries workbook saved locally as a...
Very slightly faster version of stringr's str_squish()
Show the available Labour Force, Australia, detailed data cubes that c...
Extracts ABS time series data from local Excel spreadsheets and conver...
Read and tidy locally-saved ABS time series spreadsheet(s)
Extracts ABS series metadata directly from Excel spreadsheets and conv...
Download and import an ABS time series spreadsheet from a given URL
Download, extract, and tidy ABS time series spreadsheets
Download a tidy tibble containing the Consumer Price Index from the AB...
Download a tidy tibble containing the Estimated Residential Population...
Download and tidy ABS Job Mobility tables
Convenience function to download and tidy data cubes from ABS Labour F...
Download, import and tidy 'gross flows' data cube from the monthly ABS...
Download and tidy ABS payroll jobs and wages data
Helper function for download_abs_data_cube
to scrape the available c...
Search for ABS catalogues that match a string
Search for a file within an ABS catalogue
Separate the series column in a tidy ABS time series data frame
Helper function for download_abs_data_cube
to show the available cat...
Helper function to show the files available in a particular catalogue ...
Tidy multiple dataframes of ABS time series data contained in a list.
Tidy ABS time series data.
Internal function to tidy a dataframe from ABS 6302
Downloads, imports, and tidies time series data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics <>.