Interface to 'REDCap'
Export, Import, and Delete Arms from a Project
Make REDCap API Calls
Export Records and Reports
Export Records or Reports From a Project
Synchronize coding of checkbox variables between meta data and records...
Generate Allocation Tables for the Randomization Module
Assemble Codebook From the Data Dictionary
Helper Functions for exportRecordsType
returns a list of record IDs changed (adds, updates, deletes)
Checkbox Suffixes
Construct a Link to a REDCap Form
Open REDCap connections using cryptolocker for storage of API_KEYs.
Export, Import, or Delete Users and User Permissisons
Create a Folder in the File Repository
Create REDCap Project
Export and Import Users Assigned to Data Access Groups
Export, Import, Delete Data Access Groups from a Project
Delete Records from a Project
Deprecated Functions
Drop Row Where Repeat Instrument Is NA
Export, Import, and Delete Event Settings
A helper function to export multiple records and forms using a single ...
Perform a bundle of API calls.
A helper function to export data queries from the Data Quality REDCap ...
Export Codebook Mappings for Fields with External Dependencies
Export the Complete Field Names for a REDCap Project
Export a Listing of Folders and Files in the File Repository
Export Multiple Files From a Project
Export Instruments Defined in a Project
Export Logging Records
Export PDF file of Data Collection Instruments
Export Entire Project as REDCap XML File
Export the REDCap Version Number
Extraction and Assignment for redcapFactor
Functions for Casting Fields After Export (Post Processing)
Split a Field Choice Mapping Into a Two Column Matrix
Convert a REDCap Data Field to an R Vector
Helper functions for exportRecordsTyped
Validation and Casting
Export, Import, or Delete Files to a Field in a REDCap Project
Export, Import, or Delete Multiple Files from the File Repository
Reconstruct the file repository path
Remove Rows Containing Only Missing Values
Export, Import, and Delete Individual Files from the File Repository
Return a vector of the Project ID Fields
Import a File With Option to Create A Record to Receive the File
Import Records to a Project
Helper functions for formatting validation failure report
Identify Check Fields with a Zero Coded Option
Export and Import Instrument-Event Mappings
Conduct Multiple Assertions
Export and Import the Project Meta Data (Data Dictionary)
Report of Missing Values
Parse Branching Logic
Prepare User Data for Import
Preserve Project Data Locally
Export and Import Project Settings
Purge and Restore Project Data
Change labeling of checkbox
Save a File to a Local Directory from a Response
Export Next Record Name or Rename a Record
Access data, meta data, and files from REDCap using the API
Connect to a REDCap Database
REDCap Data Structures
Handle Errors from the REDCap API
Convert REDCap factors between labeled and coded
Export or Import Repeating Instrument and Events Settings
Review Invalid Records Following Field Validation
Split a Data Frame into its Forms
Remove Undesired Characters From Strings
Export Survey Participant Information
Switch Data Access Group Assignment for the Current User
Export or Import User-Role Assignments
Export, Import, or Delete User Roles in a Project
Validate Data Frames for Import
Convert R Vector To List for the API Call Body
Transform Data Into Wide Format
Prepare a Data Frame for Import Through the API
Access data stored in 'REDCap' databases using the Application Programming Interface (API). 'REDCap' (Research Electronic Data CAPture; <>, Harris, et al. (2009) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2008.08.010>, Harris, et al. (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.jbi.2019.103208>) is a web application for building and managing online surveys and databases developed at Vanderbilt University. The API allows users to access data and project meta data (such as the data dictionary) from the web programmatically. The 'redcapAPI' package facilitates the process of accessing data with options to prepare an analysis-ready data set consistent with the definitions in a database's data dictionary.