refseq_protein2RNA function

Get the transcript accession from the protein accession

Get the transcript accession from the protein accession

refseq_protein2RNA() Returns the transcript accession from a single protein accession.

Depending on the function, available accessions in refseqR include RefSeq models with the prefixes XM_ (mRNA), XR_ (non-coding RNA), and XP_ (protein), as well as subsequently curated RefSeq records with NM_, NR_, or NP_ accession prefixes.



  • protein: A character string of the protein id.


A character vector containing the transcript ids that encode the protein.


## Not run: # Get the transcript id from a single protein accession protein <- "XP_020244413" refseq_protein2RNA(protein) # Get the transcript ids from a set of protein accessions protein = c("XP_004487758", "XP_004488550") sapply(protein, function(x) refseq_protein2RNA(x), USE.NAMES = FALSE) ## End(Not run)

See Also

refseq_RNA2protein to obtain the protein ids encoded by a set of transcript ids.


Jose V. Die

  • Maintainer: Jose V. Die
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2024-10-30