Regression with Functional Data
Construct an FGAM regression term
Construct an FGAM regression term
Additive model with constraints
Bayesian Function-on-scalar regression
Corrected confidence bands using functional principal components
Faster multi-dimensional scaling
Get estimated coefficients from a pffr fit
Simple bootstrap CIs for pffr
Extract coefficient functions from a fitted pfr-object
Construct a function for preprocessing functional predictors
Basis constructor for PEER terms
Return call with all possible arguments
Sum computation 1
Sum computation 2
Sum computation 2
Trace computation
Sandwich smoother for matrix data
Construct a function-on-function regression term
Construct a PC-based function-on-function regression term
Plot PC-based function-on-function regression terms
Functional Generalized Additive Models
Permutation testing for function-on-scalar regression
Function-on-scalar regression
Function-on Scalar Regression with variable selection
Two-step function-on-scalar regression
Construct a FPC regression term
Functional principal component analysis with fast covariance estimatio...
Longitudinal Functional Data Analysis using FPCA
Functional principal components analysis by smoothed covariance
Smoothed FPCA via iterative penalized rank one SVDs.
Functional principal component analysis by a two-stage method
Functional principal component regression
Get recognized transformation function
Cross-sectional FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and FPCA
Cross-sectional FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and Wishart prior
Multilevel FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and FPCA
Multilevel FoSR using a Gibbs sampler and Wishart prior
Cross-sectional FoSR using GLS
Construct an FLM regression term
Construct an FLM regression term
Construct a VDFR regression term
Leave-one-function-out cross-validation
Longitudinal Functional Models with Structured Penalties
Longitudinal penalized functional regression
Multilevel functional principal components analysis with fast covarian...
Multilevel functional principal components analysis by smoothed covari...
Obtain model matrix for a pffr fit
Cross-sectional FoSR using GLS
Make predictions using pco basis terms
pffr-constructor for functional principal component-based functional r...
Functional Models with Structured Penalties
Construct a PEER regression term in a pfr
Some diagnostics for a fitted pffr model
Penalized flexible functional regression
Penalized function-on-function regression with non-i.i.d. residuals
Simulate example data for pffr
Penalized Functional Regression (old version)
Local version of plot.gam
Penalized Functional Regression
Default plotting of function-on-scalar regression objects
Plot for Function-on Scalar Regression with variable selection
Default plotting for functional principal component regression output
Plotting of estimated regression functions obtained through lpeer()
Plotting of estimated regression functions obtained through peer()
Plot a pffr fit
Plot a pfr object
Prediction for fast bivariate P-spline (fbps)
Prediction from a fitted FGAM model
Prediction from a fitted bayes_fosr model
Prediction for Function-on Scalar Regression with variable selection
Predict.matrix method for dt basis
mgcv-style constructor for prediction of FPC terms
mgcv-style constructor for prediction of PC-basis functional random ef...
mgcv-style constructor for prediction of PEER terms
Predict.matrix method for pi basis
Prediction for penalized function-on-function regression
Prediction from a fitted pfr model
Print method for summary of a pffr fit
Pointwise cross-validation for function-on-scalar regression
QQ plots for pffr model residuals
Compute quadrature weights
Random effects constructor for fgam
Obtain residuals and fitted values for a pffr models
Likelihood Ratio Test and Restricted Likelihood Ratio Test for inferen...
Construct a smooth function-on-function regression term
Domain Transformation basis constructor
Basis constructor for FPC terms
Principal coordinate ridge regression
mgcv-style constructor for PC-basis functional random effects
Parametric Interaction basis constructor
P-spline constructor with modified 'shrinkage' penalty
Summary for a pffr fit
Summary for a pfr fit
Cross-sectional FoSR using Variational Bayes and FPCA
Cross-sectional FoSR using Variational Bayes and Wishart prior
Multilevel FoSR using Variational Bayes and FPCA
Multilevel FoSR using Variational Bayes and Wishart prior
Visualization of FGAM objects
Visualization of PFR objects
Internal computation function
Methods for regression for functional data, including function-on-scalar, scalar-on-function, and function-on-function regression. Some of the functions are applicable to image data.