Regression and Classification Tools
Pre-Euro Era Currency Fluctuations
Factor Conversion Utilities
Grid Search Plus More
Misc. Graphics
k-NN Nonparametric Regression and Classification
Tools for Neural Networks
Available Cases Method for Missing Data
Letter Frequencies
Major Leage Baseball player data set.
Method of Moments, Including Possible Regression Terms
Heteroscedastic Nonlinear Regression
Italian olive oils data set.
Classification with More Than 2 Classes
Penrose-Inverse Linear Models and Polynomial Regression
Overview and Package Reference Guide
Ridge Regression
Tools for Text Classification
Transform Time Series to Rectangular Form
Miscellaneous Utilities
Tools for linear, nonlinear and nonparametric regression and classification. Novel graphical methods for assessment of parametric models using nonparametric methods. One vs. All and All vs. All multiclass classification, optional class probabilities adjustment. Nonparametric regression (k-NN) for general dimension, local-linear option. Nonlinear regression with Eickert-White method for dealing with heteroscedasticity. Utilities for converting time series to rectangular form. Utilities for conversion between factors and indicator variables. Some code related to "Statistical Regression and Classification: from Linear Models to Machine Learning", N. Matloff, 2017, CRC, ISBN 9781498710916.