rerddapXtracto1.2.1 package

Extracts Environmental Data from 'ERDDAP™' Web Services

Contains three functions that access environmental data from any 'ERDDAP™' data web service. The rxtracto() function extracts data along a trajectory for a given "radius" around the point. The rxtracto_3D() function extracts data in a box. The rxtractogon() function extracts data in a polygon. All of those three function use the 'rerddap' package to extract the data, and should work with any 'ERDDAP™' server. There are also two functions, plotBBox() and plotTrack() that use the 'plotdap' package to simplify the creation of maps of the data.

  • Maintainer: Roy Mendelssohn
  • License: CC0
  • Last published: 2024-07-17