fs_create function

Create a FigShare article (draft)

Create a FigShare article (draft)

Articles must be created with fs_create

with essential metadata. Then you can add files with fs_upload, add categories, tags or authors with fs_add_categories or fs_add_tags

fs_add_authors. Authors not registered with a FigShare id can be created with fs_create_author. You can edit the original metadata with fs_update. Finally, release the article as either private or public with fs_make_private or fs_make_public. Before creating the article, you must authenticate using fs_auth.

fs_create( title, description, type = c("dataset", "figure", "media", "poster", "paper", "fileset"), session = fs_get_auth(), debug = FALSE )


  • title: for the article
  • description: of the article
  • type: one of: dataset, figure, media, poster, paper or fileset. (Only filesets can have multiple uploaded files attached).
  • session: the authentication credentials from fs_auth
  • debug: print full post call return


article id


## Not run: fs_create("My Title", "A description of the object", "dataset") ## End(Not run)



See Also

fs_auth, fs_upload