Update article title, description, or type
Updates the article title, description or type. If any is not specified, it will remain unchanged.
fs_update( article_id, title = NA, description = NA, type = NA, mine = TRUE, session = fs_get_auth(), debug = FALSE )
: the id number of the articletitle
: for the article (to replace original title)description
: of the article (replaces original designation)type
: one of: dataset, figure, media, poster, or paper (replaces original designation)mine
: Set to TRUE
if it refers to an item on your own accountsession
: (optional) the authentication credentials from fs_auth
: return httr PUT request visibly?output of PUT request (invisibly)
Updates the title, description, and type of an article.
## Not run: fs_update(138, title = "New title") ## End(Not run)
, fs_add_tags
Carl Boettiger cboettig@gmail.com
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