collection: The feature collection to be exported.
description: User-friendly name of the task.
folder: The name of a unique folder in your Drive account to export into. Defaults to the root of the drive.
fileNamePrefix: The Google Drive filename for the export. Defaults to the name of the task.
timePrefix: Add current date and time as a prefix to files to export.
fileFormat: The output format: "CSV" (default), "GeoJSON", "KML", "KMZ", "SHP", or "TFRecord".
selectors: A list of properties to include in the output, as a list of strings or a comma-separated string. By default, all properties are included. **kwargs: Holds other keyword arguments that may have been deprecated such as 'driveFolder' and 'driveFileNamePrefix'.
An unstarted Task that exports the table to Google Drive.