ee_utils_create_manifest_image function

Create a manifest to upload an image

Create a manifest to upload an image

Create a manifest to upload a GeoTIFF to Earth Engine asset folder. The "manifest" is simply a JSON file that describe all the upload parameters. See to get more details.

ee_utils_create_manifest_image( gs_uri, assetId, properties = NULL, start_time = "1970-01-01", end_time = "1970-01-01", pyramiding_policy = "MEAN", returnList = FALSE, quiet = FALSE )


  • gs_uri: Character. GCS full path of the image to upload to Earth Engine assets, e.g. gs://rgee_dev/l8.tif
  • assetId: Character. How to call the file once uploaded to the Earth Engine Asset. e.g. users/datacolecfbf/l8.
  • properties: List. Set of parameters to be set up as properties of the EE object.
  • start_time: Character. Sets the start time property (system:time_start). It could be a number (timestamp) or a date.
  • end_time: Character. Sets the end time property (system:time_end). It could be a number (timestamp) or a date.
  • pyramiding_policy: Character. The pyramid reduction policy to use.
  • returnList: Logical. If TRUE will return the "manifest" as a list. Otherwise, will return a JSON file.
  • quiet: Logical. Suppress info message.


If returnList is TRUE, a list otherwise a JSON file.


## Not run: library(rgee) ee_Initialize() tif <- system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif", package = "stars") # Return a JSON file ee_utils_create_manifest_image( gs_uri = "gs://rgee_dev/l8.tif", assetId = "users/datacolecfbf/l8" ) # Return a list ee_utils_create_manifest_image( gs_uri = "gs://rgee_dev/l8.tif", assetId = "users/datacolecfbf/l8", returnList = TRUE ) ## End(Not run)

See Also

Other generic upload functions: ee_utils_create_manifest_table(), local_to_gcs()