sakfile: Character. SaK filename. If missing, the SaK of the first user is used.
users: Character. The user related to the SaK file. A SaK file can be related to multiple users.
delete: Logical. If TRUE, the SaK filename is deleted after copy.
quiet: Logical. Suppress info message
## Not run:library(rgee)ee_Initialize()# sakfile <- "/home/rgee_dev/sak_file.json"## Copy sakfile to the users 'csaybar' and 'ndef'# ee_utils_sak_copy(sakfile = sakfile, users = c("csaybar", "ndef"))# # Copy the sakfile of the user1 to the user2 and user3.# ee_utils_sak_copy(users = c("csaybar", "ndef", "ryali93"))## End(Not run)