Side Effect Risks in Hospital : Simulation and Estimation
test the adequation of a random variable to the exponential distributi...
compute the bias, variance of the De Vielder approximation
compute the bias, variance of the non parametric estimator
compute the bias, variance of the non parametric estimator
implements the De Vielder approximation
compute the De Vielder estimator
compute the parametric estimation
compute the parametric estimation
plot the histogram of the variable T
plots a survival function with a Kaplan Meier variant
simulate many times the first model and calculate the risk constant
simulate many times the second model
create a sample of the first model stored in a file
create a sample of the second model stored in a file
simulate the first model of the hospital risk
simulate the second model of the hospital risk
make an array of bias, variance and R for different distribution and e...
Evaluating risk (that a patient arises a side effect) during hospitalization is the main purpose of this package. Several methods (Parametric, non parametric and De Vielder estimation) to estimate the risk constant (R) are implemented in this package. There are also functions to simulate the different models of this issue in order to quantify the previous estimators. It is necessary to read at least the first six pages of the report to understand the topic.