Tools for R Package Developers
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
Show your tokens for the R Consortium runners
List your repositories created by the R Consortium runners
Request a new token for submissions to the R Consortium runners
Submit a package to the R Consortium runners
Check a package on R-hub
Check if the current or the specified package is ready to use with R-h...
List R-hub platforms
Setup the current R package for use with R-hub
The rhub package
R-hub v2
This function is deprecated and defunct. Please see rhubv2 .
R-hub v2 uses GitHub Actions to run 'R CMD check' and similar package checks. The 'rhub' package helps you set up R-hub v2 for your R package, and start running checks.
Useful links