toJSON function

Convert R To JSON

Convert R To JSON

Convert an R object into a corresponding JSON object.

Lists with unnamed components are not currently supported

toJSON( x, indent=0, method="C" )


  • x: a vector or list to convert into a JSON object
  • indent: an integer specifying how much indentation to use when formatting the JSON object; if 0, no pretty-formatting is used
  • method: use the C implementation, or the older slower (and one day to be depricated) R implementation


a string containing the JSON object

See Also



x <- list( alpha = 1:5, beta = "Bravo", gamma = list(a=1:3, b=NULL), delta = c(TRUE, FALSE) ) json <- toJSON( x ) fromJSON( json ) #named vectors are treated as JSON objects (lists) toJSON(islands[1:4]) #data.frames must be converted into a list before converting into JSON plot(cars, pch=2) json_cars <- toJSON(as.list(cars)) points( data.frame( fromJSON( json_cars ) ), col="red", pch=3 ) #special R types are encoded as strings testString <- c(1,2,3,4,NA,NaN,Inf,8,9); toJSON(testString);