Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
Does an environment have or see bindings?
Does environment inherit from another environment?
Format bullets for error messages
Does an object have an element with this name?
Get names of a vector
Create vectors matching a given length
Create a new call from components
Create a formula
Get the namespace of a package
Return the namespace registry env
Address of an R object
Run expressions on load
Infix attribute accessor and setter
Replace missing values
Default value for NULL
Collect dynamic dots in a pairlist
Parse R code
Name of a primitive function
Show injected expression
Squash a quosure
Format quosures for printing or labelling
Defusing R expressions
Create zap objects
Signal an error, warning, or message
Build an error message from parts
Zap source references
Add attributes to an object
Turn RHS of formula into a string or label
Name injection with "{"
and "{{"
Check that dots are empty (low level variant)
Test for missing values
Match an argument to a character vector
Argument type: data-masking
Helper for consistent documentation of empty dots
Helper for consistent documentation of used dots
Documentation anchor for error arguments
Convert object to a box
Transform to a closure
Create a data mask
Coerce to an environment
Convert to function
Create a default name for an R object
Check that all dots are unnamed
Extract names from symbols
Cast symbol to string
Coerce to a character vector and attempt encoding conversion
Bare type predicates
Does a condition or its ancestors inherit from a class?
Box a value
Human readable memory sizes
Extract arguments from a call
Extract function from a call
Inspect a call
Match supplied arguments to function definition
Modify the arguments of a call
Extract function name or namespace of a call
Standardise a call
Create a call
Find the caller argument for error messages
Catch a condition
Check that dots are empty
Check that all dots have been used
Check that arguments are mutually exclusive
Check that argument is supplied
Create a child environment
Translate unicode points to UTF-8
Create a condition object
Muffle a condition
Signal a condition object
What type is a condition?
Advanced defusal operators
Development notes - dots.R
Box a final value for early termination
Browse environments
and .env
How many arguments are currently forwarded in dots?
Splice lists
Evaluate dots with preliminary splicing
Duplicate an R object
Lock or unlock environment bindings
Dynamic dots features
Embrace operator {{
Get the empty environment
Defuse function arguments with glue
Defuse function arguments
Add backtrace from error handler
Create a new environment
Bind symbols to objects in an environment
What kind of environment binding?
Mask bindings by defining symbols deeper in a scope
Cache a value in an environment
Clone or coalesce an environment
Depth of an environment chain
Get an object in an environment
How long is an object?
Is frame environment user facing?
Lock an environment
Label of an environment
Names and numbers of symbols bound in an environment
Get or set formula components
Get parent environments
Poke an object in an environment
Pretty-print an environment
Remove bindings from an environment
Unlock an environment
Evaluate an expression in an environment
Evaluate an expression with quosures and pronoun support
Execute a function
Defuse an R expression
Process unquote operators in a captured expression
Turn an expression to a label
Print an expression
Ensure that all elements of a list of expressions are named
Global options for rlang
Internal API for standalone-types-check
Flatten or squash a list of lists into a simpler vector
Get or set function body
Return the closure environment of a function
Extract arguments from a function
Validate and format a function call for use in error messages
Format a type for error messages
Get or set the environment of an object
Entrace unexpected errors
Register default global handlers
Prompt user to install missing packages
Does an object inherit from a set of classes?
Inject objects in an R expression
Injection operator !!
Simulate interrupt condition
Invoke a function with a list of arguments
Is object a node or pairlist?
Is object a call?
Is an object callable?
Is object a condition?
Is an object copyable?
Is a vector uniquely named?
Is object an empty vector or NULL?
Is object an environment?
Is an object an expression?
Is object named?
Is an object a namespace environment?
Is object a formula?
Is object a function?
Are packages installed in any of the libraries?
Is a vector integer-like?
Is R running interactively?
Is object a call?
Is an object referencing another?
Is object a symbol?
Is object identical to TRUE or FALSE?
Is object a weak reference?
Create a call
Last abort()
Display last messages and warnings
Collect dynamic dots in a list
Inform about name repair
Temporarily change bindings of an environment
Set local error call in an execution environment
Change global options
Use cli to format error messages
Missing values
Generate or handle a missing argument
Create a function
Helpers for pairlist and language nodes
Create a quosure from components
Create a list of quosures
Create a weak reference
What is data-masking and why do I need {{
Squash a quosure
Quosure getters, setters and predicates
Serialize a raw vector to a string
Create vectors matching the length of a given vector
Jump to or from a frame
rlang: Functions for Base Types and Core R and 'Tidyverse' Features
Display backtrace on error
Increasing sequence of integers in an interval
Errors of class rlang_error
Backtrace specification
Scalar type predicates
Deprecated scoped
Deprecated scoped_
Search path environments
Set and get an expression
Set names of a vector
Splice operator !!!
Splice values at dots collection time
Call stack information
Customising condition messages
Get properties of the current or caller frame
Create a string
Dispatch on base types
Create a symbol or list of symbols
Formatting messages with cli
The data mask ambiguity
Data mask programming patterns
The double evaluation problem
Why are strings and other constants enquosed in the empty environment?
Does {{
work on regular objects?
Including function calls in error messages
Including contextual information with error chains
Type predicates
What happens if I use injection operators out of context?
Injecting with !!
, !!!
, and glue syntax
Metaprogramming patterns
Taking multiple columns without ...
What are quosures and when are they needed?
Capture a backtrace
Try an expression with condition handlers
Establish handlers on the stack
Get key/value from a weak reference object
Base type of an object
Deprecated UQ()
and UQS()
Poke values into a vector
Coerce an object to a base type
Create vectors
Evaluate an expression within a given environment
A toolbox for working with base types, core R features like the condition system, and core 'Tidyverse' features like tidy evaluation.
Useful links