Update Model LR Statistics After Multiple Imputation
LRupdate(fit, anova)
fit: an rms fit object
anova: the result of processMI(..., 'anova')
new fit object like fit but with the substitutions made
For fits from orm, lrm, orm, cph, psm that were created using fit.mult.impute with lrt=TRUE or equivalent options and for which anova was obtained using processMI(fit, 'anova') to compute imputation-adjusted LR statistics. LRupdate uses the last line of the anova result (containing the overall model LR chi-square) to update Model L.R. in the fit stats component, and to adjust any of the new R-square measures in stats.
For models using Nagelkerke's R-squared, these are set to NA as they would need to be recomputed with a new intercept-only log-likelihood, which is not computed by anova. For ols models, R-squared is left alone as it is sample-size-independent and print.ols prints the correct adjusted R-squared due to fit.mult.impute correcting the residual d.f. in stacked fits.
## Not run:a <- aregImpute(~ y + x1 + x2, n.impute=30, data=d)f <- fit.mult.impute(y ~ x1 + x2, lrm, a, data=d, lrt=TRUE)a <- processMI(f,'anova')f <- LRupdate(f, a)print(f, r2=1:4)# print all imputation-corrected R2 measures## End(Not run)