Rq function

rms Package Interface to quantreg Package

rms Package Interface to quantreg Package

The Rq function is the rms front-end to the quantreg package's rq function. print and latex methods are also provided, and a fitting function RqFit is defined for use in bootstrapping, etc. Its result is a function definition.

For the print method, format of output is controlled by the user previously running options(prType="lang") where lang is "plain" (the default), "latex", or "html". For the latex method, html will actually be used of options(prType='html'). When using html with Quarto or RMarkdown, results='asis' need not be written in the chunk header. 1.1

Rq(formula, tau = 0.5, data=environment(formula), subset, weights, na.action=na.delete, method = "br", model = FALSE, contrasts = NULL, se = "nid", hs = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, ...) ## S3 method for class 'Rq' print(x, digits=4, coefs=TRUE, title, ...) ## S3 method for class 'Rq' latex(object, file = '', append=FALSE, which, varnames, columns=65, inline=FALSE, caption=NULL, ...) ## S3 method for class 'Rq' predict(object, ..., kint=1, se.fit=FALSE) RqFit(fit, wallow=TRUE, passdots=FALSE)


  • formula: model formula

  • tau: the single quantile to estimate. Unlike rq you cannot estimate more than one quantile at one model fitting.

  • data,subset,weights,na.action,method,model,contrasts,se,hs: see rq

  • x: set to TRUE to store the design matrix with the fit. For print is an Rq object.

  • y: set to TRUE to store the response vector with the fit

  • ...: other arguments passed to one of the rq fitting routines. For latex.Rq these are optional arguments passed to latexrms. Ignored for print.Rq. For predict.Rq this is usually just a newdata argument.

  • digits: number of significant digits used in formatting results in print.Rq.

  • coefs: specify coefs=FALSE to suppress printing the table of model coefficients, standard errors, etc. Specify coefs=n

    to print only the first n regression coefficients in the model.

  • title: a character string title to be passed to prModFit

  • object: an object created by Rq

  • file,append,which,varnames,columns,inline,caption: see latexrms

  • kint: ignored

  • se.fit: set to TRUE to obtain standard errors of predicted quantiles

  • fit: an object created by Rq

  • wallow: set to TRUE if weights are allowed in the current context.

  • passdots: set to TRUE if ... may be passed to the fitter


Rq returns a list of class "rms", "lassorq" or "scadrq", "Rq", and "rq". RqFit returns a function definition. latex.Rq returns an object of class "latex".


Frank Harrell


The author and developer of methodology in the quantreg package is Roger Koenker.

See Also

rq, prModFit, orm


## Not run: set.seed(1) n <- 100 x1 <- rnorm(n) y <- exp(x1 + rnorm(n)/4) dd <- datadist(x1); options(datadist='dd') fq2 <- Rq(y ~ pol(x1,2)) anova(fq2) fq3 <- Rq(y ~ pol(x1,2), tau=.75) anova(fq3) pq2 <- Predict(fq2, x1) pq3 <- Predict(fq3, x1) p <- rbind(Median=pq2, Q3=pq3) plot(p, ~ x1 | .set.) # For superpositioning, with true curves superimposed a <- function(x, y, ...) { x <- unique(x) col <- trellis.par.get('superpose.line')$col llines(x, exp(x), col=col[1], lty=2) llines(x, exp(x + qnorm(.75)/4), col=col[2], lty=2) } plot(p, addpanel=a) ## End(Not run)
  • Maintainer: Frank E Harrell Jr
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2025-01-17