Compositional Data Analysis
Compares Mahalanobis distances from two approaches
Compositional spline
Constant sum
Additive logratio coordinates
Inverse additive logratio mapping
Aitchison distance
Adjusting for original scale
Anderson-Darling Normality Tests
Wrapper for Anderson-Darling tests
Balance calculation
Biplot method
Biplot method
Bootstrap to find optimal number of components
Backwards pivot coordinates and their inverse
Principal component analysis based on backwards pivot coordinates
Principal component analysis of compositional tables based on backward...
Classical and robust regression based on backwards pivot coordinates
Classical and robust regression based on backwards pivot coordinates
Backwards pivot coordinates and their inverse
Backwards pivot coordinates and their inverse
Compositional error deviation
Centred logratio coefficients
Inverse centred logratio mapping
Cluster analysis for compositional data
Q-mode cluster analysis for compositional parts
Coordinate representation of compositional tables
Correlations for compositional data
Coordinate representation of a compositional cube and of a sample of c...
Linear and quadratic discriminant analysis for compositional data.
Discriminant analysis by Fisher Rule.
fcenLR transformation (functional)
Inverse of fcenLR transformations (functional)
fcenLRp transformation (functional)
fcenLRu transformation (functional)
Geometric mean
ilr coordinates in 2x2 compositional tables
Replacement of rounded zeros and missing values.
Imputation of missing values in compositional data
Imputation of missing values in compositional data using knn methods
alr EM-based imputation of rounded zeros
EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data
EM-based replacement of rounded zeros in compositional data
Imputation of values above an upper detection limit in compositional d...
Independence 2x2 compositional table
Independence table
Interaction 2x2 table
Interaction array
Interaction table
equivalence class
Classical and robust regression of non-compositional (real) response o...
missing or zero pattern structure.
Normalize a vector to length 1
Orthonormal basis
Outlier detection for compositional data
Robust principal component analysis for compositional data
Perturbation and powering
Factor analysis for compositional data
Pivot coordinates and their inverse
Plot method for objects of class imp
Plot method
plot smoothSpl
Print method for objects of class imp
Propability table
relative difference between covariance matrices
Robust Estimation for Compositional Data.
Relative simplicial deviance
Relative simplicial deviance tests
Simplicial deviance
Estimate density from histogram
Estimate density from histogram - for different alpha
Classical estimates for tables
Summary method for objects of class imp
Coordinate representation of compositional tables and a sample of comp...
Ternary diagram
Adds a line to a ternary diagram.
Adds tolerance ellipses to a ternary diagram.
Add points or lines to a given ternary diagram.
Trapezoidal formula for numerical integration
Robust and classical variation matrix
Weighted pivot coordinates
ZB-spline basis
Detection of outliers of zero-inflated data
Methods for analysis of compositional data including robust methods (<doi:10.1007/978-3-319-96422-5>), imputation of missing values (<doi:10.1016/j.csda.2009.11.023>), methods to replace rounded zeros (<doi:10.1080/02664763.2017.1410524>, <doi:10.1016/j.chemolab.2016.04.011>, <doi:10.1016/j.csda.2012.02.012>), count zeros (<doi:10.1177/1471082X14535524>), methods to deal with essential zeros (<doi:10.1080/02664763.2016.1182135>), (robust) outlier detection for compositional data, (robust) principal component analysis for compositional data, (robust) factor analysis for compositional data, (robust) discriminant analysis for compositional data (Fisher rule), robust regression with compositional predictors, functional data analysis (<doi:10.1016/j.csda.2015.07.007>) and p-splines (<doi:10.1016/j.csda.2015.07.007>), contingency (<doi:10.1080/03610926.2013.824980>) and compositional tables (<doi:10.1111/sjos.12326>, <doi:10.1111/sjos.12223>, <doi:10.1080/02664763.2013.856871>) and (robust) Anderson-Darling normality tests for compositional data as well as popular log-ratio transformations (addLR, cenLR, isomLR, and their inverse transformations). In addition, visualisation and diagnostic tools are implemented as well as high and low-level plot functions for the ternary diagram.