kobo_asset_list function

List all available KoboToolbox API assets

List all available KoboToolbox API assets

List all available KoboToolbox API assets and their metadata.

kobo_asset_list(limit = 100L)


  • limit: integer, the number of API assets to display per page. Default to 100.


A data.frame containing the list of all your KoboToolbox API assets and the following metadata:

  • uid the asset unique identifier
  • name the name of the asset
  • asset_type the type of asset (block, survey, question, or template)
  • owner_userame the user account of the owner of the asset
  • date_create when the asset was created
  • date_modified when the asset was last modified
  • deployed whether or not the asset is currently deployed
  • submissions the number of submissions for the asset (survey)


## Not run: kobo_setup() asset_list <- kobo_asset_list(limit = 10L) asset_list ## End(Not run)