Get all audit logs data from a KoboToolbox survey through a kobo_asset or asset unique identifier.
kobo_audit(x, progress)
x: the unique identifier of a specific asset (character) or a kobo_asset object.
progress: logical, whether or not you want to see the progess via message. Default to FALSE.
A data.frame. It contains survey paradata from audit logs. The following columns are available:
_id This columns generated by robotoolbox allow you to do a mapping the _id of the submissions in kobo_data.
event the action that took place. The different event types include. form start, form exit, question, group questions, end screen, and device or metadata audit.
node the name of the question or group related to the event.
name This column is appended by robotoolbox to match the name of the question in the audit and the data from kobo_data.
start the timestamp when the event started.
end the timestamp when the event ended.
latitude the latitude of the device when the event occurred.
longitude the longitude of the device when the event occurred.
accuracy the GPS accuracy of the location data.
old-value the previous value of the question before it was changed in this event.
new-value the new value of the question after it was changed in this event.
user the username of the data collector.
change-reason the reason before they save changes to a form.