kobo_data function

Get all submissions from a KoboToolbox API asset

Get all submissions from a KoboToolbox API asset

Get all submissions from a KoboToolbox API asset through a kobo_asset or asset unique identifier.

kobo_data( x, lang, all_versions, colnames_label, select_multiple_label, select_multiple_sep, progress, paginate, page_size ) kobo_submissions( x, lang, all_versions, colnames_label, select_multiple_label, select_multiple_sep, progress, paginate, page_size ) ## S3 method for class 'kobo_asset' kobo_submissions( x, lang = NULL, all_versions = TRUE, colnames_label = FALSE, select_multiple_label = FALSE, select_multiple_sep = "_", progress = FALSE, paginate = NULL, page_size = NULL ) ## S3 method for class 'character' kobo_submissions( x, lang = NULL, all_versions = TRUE, colnames_label = FALSE, select_multiple_label = FALSE, select_multiple_sep = "_", progress = FALSE, paginate = NULL, page_size = NULL ) ## Default S3 method: kobo_submissions( x, lang = NULL, all_versions = TRUE, colnames_label = FALSE, select_multiple_label = FALSE, select_multiple_sep = "_", progress = FALSE, paginate = NULL, page_size = NULL )


  • x: the asset uid or the kobo_asset object.
  • lang: character, form language used for the variable and value labels.
  • all_versions: logical, whether or not to include submissions from all form versions. Default to TRUE. If FALSE, it uses the data from the latest version of the form.
  • colnames_label: logical, whether or not to use variable labels in lieu of column names based on form question names. Default to FALSE.
  • select_multiple_label: logical, whether or not to replace select_multiple columns values by labels. Default to FALSE.
  • select_multiple_sep: character, column and choices separator for newly created dummy variables. Default to "_".
  • progress: logical, whether or not you want to see the progess via message. Default to FALSE.
  • paginate: logical, split submissions by page_size. Default to NULL.
  • page_size: integer, number of submissions per page.


A data.frame or A dm object if you have a repeating group of questions. It contains the responses from the Kobotoolbox survey.


kobo_data is the main function of robotoolbox, it is used pull submissions from your Kobotoolbox survey. The main result is a data.frame

for regular form and you have a dm for a form with repeating groups of questions.


## Not run: # Use your own URL and token kobo_setup(url = "https://kf.kobotoolbox.org/", token = "9et1814c285w094f6v9bd629df47a1a0e81x53a0") # Use your own unique identifier uid <- "a9cwEQcbWqWzA5hzkjRUWi" asset <- kobo_asset(uid) subs <- kobo_data(asset) if (require(dplyr)) { library(dplyr) glimpse(subs) } ## End(Not run)